Angola and Turkey Increase Trade Exchanges

Luanda — Trade exchanges between Angola and Turkey will double to US$500 million in coming days, the Turkish ambassador to Angola Ufuk Ekici said on Tuesday in Luanda.

The diplomat released the figure at the opening of the Turkey-Angola Business Forum, stating that the two governments intend to double the volume of trade, in view of increasing in relations between the two countries.

Ekici said the indicators show that this intention is on track, judging by the data presented by the Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX).

Official data show that Turkey is the fifth country with the highest number of projects submitted to AIPEX.

He also said Angola and Turkey have high-level relations, a fact that there are still many open areas for cooperation.

"Turkish companies can help diversify the Angolan economy, with the variation of production, exports and the construction of infrastructures", he said.

He noted that the assembly industry could be a commercial solution for Angola, adding that Turkish companies are already applying this model in Angola and in other countries.

The diplomat spoke of the need to make the visa regime more flexible and simple, the customs and the banking system, thus being able to increase the efficiency of foreign investments.

He also pointed to the increase in Turkish Airline flight frequencies, from 3 to 4 times a week, as another point that will help people visit each other easily and more frequently.

In turn, the Angolan ambassador to Turkey, José Patrício, said that cooperation between the two countries reached its highest point two years ago, with the mutual visits of the two Heads of State, which allowed the signing of various agreements.

According to the diplomat, Angola has many natural resources and it is precisely in this chapter that Turkey can support the country with its knowledge.

He stressed that the two countries have many sectors in common to explore and share to further strengthen this cooperation bond.

"I hope that Turkish businessmen can leave with an understanding of the business environment in Angola", he stressed.

Turkey-Angola Business Forum is an organisation of the Turkish Exporters Agency (TIM). The Turkish business delegation is in Luanda with 28 companies from various sectors.

Even today, business delegations from both countries discussed, among other matters, the investment proposals presented by the parties.

Representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Angola, business organisations from Angola and Turkey, as well as individual businessmen attended the event.

Angola and Turkey maintain commercial cooperation in the areas of air transport, defence, trade, investment protection, oil, mining, agriculture and renewable energies.

Turkey recognised Angola as a sovereign country shortly after its independence in 1975 and diplomatic relations were cemented with the opening of the Turkish embassy in Angola in 2010, followed by Angola in Turkey in 2011.

This article originally appeared on ANGOP.

Image via TRT World.

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