Mozambique to open bids for oil and gas exploration

By Jose Tembe

Mozambique’s National Petroleum Institute (INP) will next month open bids for new oil and gas exploration in the country.

Evaluation of bids is expected to be completed by March 2022.

A total of 16 offshore blocks will be available: five in the Rovuma Basin near the Tanzanian border, seven in Angoche off the coast of Nampula province, two in the Zambezi Delta and two in the area of the Save river, Maputo daily paper "Noticias" reports.

The petroleum institute aims to increase the availability of hydrocarbons for use as raw materials for electricity generation, fertilisers and fuels, the paper reports.

French energy giant Total is exploring a major gas field in northern Mozambique. The $20bn (£14.6bn) gas liquification plant is its largest foreign investment in Africa.

The site is near Palma which has been repeatedly attacked by militants linked to the Islamic State (IS) group.

This article originally appeared on BBC News

Photo: Offshore Engineer

Blessing Mwangi