Zambian singer hits back at criticism of her looks

One of Zambia’s top female musicians - Wezi Mhone - has taken to social media to complain that she has been the subject of bullying because of her looks.

She is currently experiencing some skin issues, she says, but people have been commenting that she "looks dirty".

“I would like to come out here and act tough, for the ones who consider me a strong role model but the truth is I’ve cried, I am hurt,” she said on Facebook.

She added that she has been depressed recently because of the loss of people close to her.

Mhone said stress affects people differently.

“You can bath, use the best of the best lotions and have the greatest skin care routine ever invented but when you are broken inside, all that stuff affects your outward appearance one way or the other.

“If it comes to my skin complexion, that’s the favourite topic for the bullies over the years.

"I’m sorry I’ll appear unpleasant, failing to fit some of your beauty standards even after doing my best to go in the sauna 3 times a week for steaming, moisturize, exfoliate and take lots of water.”

Private individuals and organizations have since taken to social media to offer Mhone words of solidarity.

The artist has two albums to her name and one of her most popular songs is Nyimbo Zako.

This article originally appeared on BBC News

Photo: Wezi Mhone

Blessing Mwangi