Zimbabwe: Unemployment Remains Zim's Biggest Problem - Survey
FINDINGS of a recentl study by Pan-African research network, Afrobarometer show that Zimbabweans see unemployment as the biggest facing the country at the moment.
According to the survey report, Zimbabweans want their government to address unemployment as a matter of urgency and this is mostly common in urban areas compared to the rural areas.
"Infrastructure, roads, education, management of the economy, and water supply follow as top priorities on citizens' agenda," the survey report said.
"While rankings vary somewhat by respondents' location, gender, generation, and education levels, the major concerns are fairly consistent across demographic groups."
"A lack of jobs is more widely seen as a priority in the cities (45%) than in rural areas (33%), as is management of the economy (36% vs. 19%). Rural residents are more likely than their urban counterparts to prioritize health (25% vs. 11%) and water supply (23% vs. 16%)."
"Men are somewhat more likely than women to rank unemployment and infrastructure/roads among the most important problems that the government should address. More women than men cite food shortage as a top concern."
"Among youth, unemployment (40%) and education (35%) top the list of priorities. Among respondents with primary schooling or less, education (33%) ranks as the No. 1 concern," researchers reported.
This article originally appeared on New Zimbabwe
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