Zimbabwe: ED Gives Wife Key Politburo Position

By Anna Chibamu

ZANU PF first secretary, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has appointed his wife, Auxillia into the politburo in a surprise reshuffle of the powerful organ.

She is the new Zanu-PF secretary for Environment and Tourism and replaces expelled Prisca Mupfumira.

Outspoken war veterans association chairperson Chris Mutsvangwa was appointed secretary for information and publicity, replacing the late national hero Simon Khaya Moyo who died last week after battling cancer.

Mike Bimha, who was acting secretary for information during Moyo's illness was handed the difficult political commissar position. He replaces Victor Matemadanda, now Zimbabwe's to Mozambique.

Recently promoted into politburo, former Mashonaland West Zanu PF provincial chairman and Justice minister Ziyambi Ziyambi replaces Mutsvangwa as secretary for Science and Technology whilst Foreign Affairs minister Fredrick Shava was appointed committee member for the organ.

Bulawayo Provincial affairs minister Judith Ncube has been appointed as a politburo member representing Bulawayo province while cabinet minister Josiah Hungwe was demoted from his position as secretary for production and labour to a previously non--existent senior member of the politburo position.

Mashonaland Central lynchpin and Kenneth Musanhi took over the position.

This article originally appeared on New Zimbabwe

Photo: Zimpapers

Blessing Mwangi