Zimbabwe: Stage Set for Zanu-PF Polls

By Fungi Kwaramba

ZANU PF will on December 28 hold elections for the Provincial Coordinating Committees (PCC), which will be presided by Politburo members with President Mnangagwa warning against any wayward behaviour.

The President said elections are critical in the revolutionary party as they entrench democracy and strengthen Zanu PF.

"Our party's internal democratic elections and processes, by nature, must nurture political maturity and discipline as well as strengthen the spirit of comradeship within the rank and file of the party.

"All party cadres must understand that leadership positions in our revolutionary mass party entails going beyond steering the ship. Every member has the duty and obligation to work hard towards our country's ongoing development agenda and party building exercise. Party leadership and cadreship must defend the party at all times.

"It is my expectation that provinces and prospective candidates will use the forthcoming provincial election processes to further win the hearts and minds of the general populace.

"We have now reached a membership of four million members. However, the grassroots mobilisation programme must be accelerated.

"Let us remain focused, internal elections come and go, but the party stays forever.

"Successful and unsuccessful candidates are urged to accept results and quickly avail themselves for deployment into serving the party, its members, and the nation as a whole," the President said.

During the elections, where Politburo members will be assisted by Central Committee members drawn from other provinces, the party rules and constitution will be strictly adhered to with the President emphasising that members must stick to values of peace, unity, non-violence, discipline, respect and tolerance.

"The wanton violation of our party constitution and laid out procedures will not be accepted. Constitutionalism within our colossal revolutionary party remains our sacred practice and norm. No individual, no matter the position within the party is above the law.

"To this effect, the import of the slogan 'Pamberi ne gwara remusangano' must be maintained and respected by every cadre of the party, with no exceptions," the President added.

Zanu PF Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha told the media that all provincial structures would be dissolved before the holding of elections.

"All Zanu PF provinces now stand dissolved with effect from today and Politburo members have been deployed to be in charge of provinces. No province will run its elections. The Politburo members are going to be assisted by Central Committee members.

"These elections will focus on the chairperson of the main wing, the Women League as well as the Youth League. In addition, there will also be other positions to complete the list of other executive positions. All these elections will take place on the same day."

The vetting of candidates was done yesterday with only a few being referred to the party's Security Department for vetting.

"All aspiring candidates have been considered this afternoon; the majority have passed that stage. We are not in a position to announce names yet because they are still subject to vetting by our security department.

"The Politburo went through the rules and regulations for conducting provincial elections and the decision that has been made will also affect whether those who have been aspired can appear on ballot papers".

This article originally appeared on The Herald

Photo: The Herald

Blessing Mwangi