World Rugby could ban trans women from playing women's rugby

World Rugby is reportedly considering banning trans women from playing women’s rugby due to significant safety concerns.

On Monday, British publication The Guardian revealed that in a 38-page draft document produced by World Rugby's transgender working group, it is acknowledged that there is likely to be "at least a 20-30% greater risk" of injury when a female player is tackled by someone who has gone through male puberty.

The document adds that the latest science shows that trans women retain "significant" physical advantages over biological women even after they take medication to lower their testosterone.

Currently, World Rugby's regulations allow trans women to play women's rugby provided they lower their testosterone levels for at least 12 months in line with the International Olympic Committee's guidelines.

However, the working group suggests that these guidelines are "not fit for the purpose".

The group adds that it will consider its position if the scientific evidence changes.

The group also recommends that trans men should be allowed to play against biological men if they have undergone a physical assessment and signed a consent form.Play Video

This article originally appeared on Sport24

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